Apple's Christmas Commercial is Transparent Pandering Bullshit
The disaffected Youngs with their faces buried in their fucking screens, win, and you lose, Olds!
What a fucking Santa pants-load of shit, this ad is. How many teenage asswipes across the world will, yes, actually have their faces inconsiderately glued to their fucking phones this Christmas and, no, won't be making a touching little family movie using Airplay and an Apple TV? I'll tell you how many: ALL of them, except for this nonexistent teenager.
What an unsubtle, artless Gen Y & Z demographic blowjob.
The "internet sherpas" at Hypervocal report that all of Twitter is crying over this ad.
You want something to really cry about this Christmas?
Read about the current situation in the Central African Republic, you bunch of clueless fucking wussies.
Ad agency: TBWA\Media Arts Lab.
(Disclosure: I have an iPhone 4S and a MacBook Air, so blow me.)