If she bats her lashes at you, she'll smother you.

(click ads) Cousin Itt lashes. Jesus, these are trippy. At least Leo Burnett in Warsaw, Poland didn't go with the usual approach of a close-up photo of a pretty celeb spokesmodel's peepers. And the campaign, for Max Factor's Masterpiece Max mascara, just won a "Golden Drum" from some ad awards show in Slovenia. Which means absolutely nothing to me. Anyway, what do you think, ladies: are they more appealing than this pink girlie Covergirl mascara ad via Argentina (images via)?
I was totally prepared to compliment the art direction (as I am stoned at work and have been debating which one to save as my desktop wallpaper for 2 hours), but then I noticed the headline (footline?) and almost threw up. Not because I was disgusted, but because I followed their instructions and got motion sickness. Oh well, nothing some mo' weed cant cure.
wait, what were we just talking about?
Yeah, don't need a line.
No, I cannot say that it makes me want their mascara. But hey, maybe if I was eurotrash...or a Mason.
My vote goes to the CoverGirl Argentina ad. Though it could just be my affinity for comics.
I love it. It's nice to look at and nearly as realistic as the models with photoshopped inch-long eyelashes that typically feature in these ads. This definitely would have caught my eye if I saw it in a magazine .
I do like it better than that Covergirl ad. Better than any other mascara ad. I personally hate mascara and wouldn't buy any brand of it, so it's hard to say whether it's effective that way.
I think it might look cooler if they turned it sideways and made the eye bigger. It makes me think of the psychedelic stuff that was around in the late-1960s/early-1970s.
'Chewbacca' and yes, 'Cousin Itt' as you pointed out.
The design is a throwback to the typical Polish 'free flowing line style' seen in their posters and reminiscent of Jan Lenica's work...
...BUT what do they have to do with the price of gasoline???
I don't like the Covergirl ad. At first glance, I thought it was for birth control pills or tampons.
I LOVE the art direction an these weirdo eyes.
To me it just looks like hair. Growing from an eye. The wavy one even looks like it was permed. It's actually pretty disgusting. I don't like the Cover Girl ad any better because I don't like the retro idea of wanting to be beautiful so men will call you. Honestly I'm in support of the "boring" close up on the eyes ads. Mascaras can do about 5 different single things or any combination of those things. A close up shot of the eyes, even if it has been photoshopped, gives the consumer a better idea of the mascara's intended function (also a shot of the brush helps a ton). If I see an ad for thickening mascara I won't buy it because I don't like that look whereas if I see an ad for lengthening mascara I may give it a try. I'm not going to buy the Cover Girl one on principle and the other one I won't try because I have no idea what it is supposed to do.
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