At first glance, this reader found it ingenuous, as in artless, innocent, sincere but on further notice, it's rather disingenuous, it mocks and is full of contempt, dripping with, how you say, "the" sarcasm.
Maybe they're trying to emphasize the singularity of this particular inconvenience (I know you're not supposed to use quotation marks for emphasis, but it's becoming more and more common). Everything else about this store is just so gosh-darn convenient, how can you be mad about the ATM?
Reminds me of that Friends episode where Joey has trouble with quotation marks
At first glance, this reader found it ingenuous, as in artless, innocent, sincere but on further notice, it's rather disingenuous, it mocks and is full of contempt, dripping with, how you say, "the" sarcasm.
Yeah, that's my read: "Go Fuck Yourself"
Are you now telling me to "vaffanculo?"
And the missing period in "A.T.M," let's not forget that. Not a professional copywriter, I am guessing.
Maybe they're trying to emphasize the singularity of this particular inconvenience (I know you're not supposed to use quotation marks for emphasis, but it's becoming more and more common). Everything else about this store is just so gosh-darn convenient, how can you be mad about the ATM?
Perhaps because handwriting is cursive, it's not always apparent when you use italics for emphasis.
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