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- My new favorite meme: Misunderstood Shark.
- The best home improvement store commercial EVER.
- Beirut nightclub installs creepy bathroom mirror s...
- Another wonderful 1960s VW Bus ad.
- Nice Italian belt print ads.
- UPDATE: Hayley "'GREAT DICK BRO" Wade wins U of Ca...
- She's in for a very long flight.
- Nicloas Sarkozy Photoshopped onto his death bed.
- Today's inspiring quote from a Digital Creative Di...
- Douche responds to Google's International Women's ...
Most of these are pretty disgusting, but I actually laughed at the "African Lion / Lying African" one. At least whoever made that is trying a little harder than the rest.
My favorite has to be "OBAMA OSAMA SAME." It really gets at the real issues.
The funny thing here for me is that 95% of these Tea Party Patriots think that is how you spell renege.
What a bunch of redneck, repugnant, recriminating, racist, raging, raving, ranting, rabble-rousing, rallying, Rabelaisian renegades!
How charming.
Now that you guys have almost finished that big fence between you and Mexico, would you mind building one along your northern border?
Thanking you in advance,
~Harry from Edmonton
wow. just fucking wow.
What issue would that be?
Bitter clinger is bitter.
Is it wrong that I enjoy seeing these on the road? I guess they make me feel smart.
Love @prixd's comment. Cant' stop laughing.
The stickers apparently on the van rear windows are photo-shopped, so I don't know if all of these are authentic or not. (Note the bit of a Harley Davidson sticker that is really on the van window, and the perspective error on that corner of the stickers.)
OK, but the "re-nig" sticker has been spotted all over the country, now by news outlets.
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