Sunday, January 01, 2012

The two saddest 2012 New Year's Resolution tweets...

(click tweets)
America the moronically ironic. This land is you're (sic) land...
But maybe, just maybe, both of these citizens meant to type "revolution"?
Read 18 more of these revolutions on Buzzfeed—culled by the evil Dave Stopera.
Previous Twitter Idiot: Ken Cole.


Blogger Ellie K said...

The second Twitter message might not be as sad as it initially appears.

I'd like to think that student Fernandez is young enough, maybe young AND English-as-a-second-language, that his poor grammar and usage is due to something other than the moronic. The sentiment, to try to do better in school, is such a good one. It isn't what the cool kids say on Twitter, either. It made me feel really sad. I hope he succeeds, you know? And like you said, maybe he did mean to type revolution? We can only hope.

Happy New Year to you, Copyranter!

I found you recently, but you have brought much silly, ironic, giggly joy to my cynical on line experience. I appreciate your efforts. Best of luck to you and your family (I read about your father just now) in 2012.

5:12 PM  

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