Calgary Flames playoff ads come back to bite them 3 months later.

(click ads) Calgary ad agency TAXI waited until this week to send these oopsie print ads to popular advertising posting site Ads Of The World. They're for bar Flames Central, and ran in Alberta prior to Calgary's opening round NHL series against Chicago—a series won by the Blackhawks 4 games to 2. Being a huge hockey fan (Habs), I couldn't resist re-posting them. Never a good idea to use the tired "get your golf clubs ready" joke against the other team. Even worse idea to use it in ads that can be saved to mercilessly mock you with forever. Last Stanley Cup win north of the border 1993...and counting (images via). Previous NHL posts: Sean Avery vogues for The Gap. Reebok introduces stupid pink NHL jerseys.
Dang. We've got talented players up here--they just like the money down there.
Flames Central is a bar, not a TV station.
My mistake. Corrected.
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