(click image, via homotography) It's a new "promo" image promoting her next recording, Born This Way. It's conceptual!?! Oh, the brainstorming hours that must have been spent concepting the shot. It's so real, yet so unreal. So wild, yet so unwild. So pointed yet so pointless. So...God, she's a fucking trailblazer.
Previously in LADY GAGA:
Britney Spears Lady Gaga (visual ad pun!).
• Gaga's book
promoted in your local meat case.
It has been said by many, many times before... anything to distract us from her awkward, mousy, chipmunk face.
who the fuck cares about her face?
^--- win
Too bad she has no talent to go along with that butt.
Everyone should have no talent like she has lol. Please, she has more talent then most singers. And DAT AZZZZZ.
Love her, love the image. REALLY love the cheesy home-made bedazzled unicorn jacket.
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