(nsfw) Do these breast cancer ads bug you, ladies?

(click ads, via) I'm so sorry for that headline. Copy translation: "More than 80% of lumps are benign. Do not be afraid. Do a breast self-exam." Because, women are scared of self-exams. And bugs, of course. Fyi: all-male creative team. The art director, I'm sure, spent days Photoshopping all kinds of bug images onto many, many shots of boobs. Client: Associação da Luta Contra o Cancer. Ad agency: DDB Mozambique. Previously in: Breast Cancer Awareness Ads (some NSFW).
Compare this (admittedly not good) UK site for testicular cancer:
It uses images of men, i.e. the people who suffer from the disease. Not close-up shots of nutsacks. I wonder why that is?
This one just really baffled me when I saw it on Ads of the World. The cockroach in particular. I suppose you could expect swelling or a lump from a spider bite - but these images, with the suggestion that an arthropod is actually living under your skin - are just fucked up creepy-ass shit.
This ad makes me feel simultaneously skeeved out and inadequate. I don't think I can imagine a combination of feelings that would motivate me less to do a self-exam.
We know that you're right about the male creative team subsumed by their own breast fetish because the purpose of ads is to motive an attitude/behavior change in the target audience. I can't imagine that these images would motivate women to adopt a new behavior. Men maybe. But not women. Hence they may be visually stimulating, or ultra-creative, and maybe even win important ad awards, but as advertising, they won't achieve their goal and thus are a failure. Glad I'm not the suit that will get fired when these don't achieve their goal.
I think it will make the target audience more scared. I personally prefer this other campaign that drives home the idea on a lighter note.
This utterly sucks!
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