click ads, via) Top: Ad agency: Gitam BBDO, Israel. Nice illustration, pretty sophisticated concept for kids. Bottom: Ad agency: DDB, Australia. Simple layout, simple concept. Go ahead, vote in the comments, if you want. Which do I like? I hate both of them. Why? Because I'd chew some of my own shit for a chance to work on a bubble gum account, instead of the shit I'm currently working on.
the biggest bubble gum ad ever.
I like both. On a different note, in the fist ad there's a blond dude with sunglasses and then another dude next to him. Are they holding their crotches? The positioning of their hands is kinda funny.
That's a valid question, to which I have no answer.
i think the first one portrays genderstereotypes...which i always find a big turn-off.
while the guys do cool sports and brag, the girl gossip decoratively passiv in the back.
the first one would have been better if the kid listening was saying "yeah, blow me"
the second needs the tag line
"blow me.....please"
First one is best -- the illustration is complicated and interesting, and would grab attention for longer. A younger audience will be interested in the style, while older viewers can find the tagline amusing. It's memorable.
The second one is way sexualised and boring - it's also a little too much like those fruity tea (Twinings?) ads from last year, with the colourful strawberry, etc. lips.
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