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Previous Posts
- Cat gif of the Day.
- Classic photo from the set of "The Shining".
- Black History Month poster of the day.
- Santorum for President sign made of "Santorum"?
- Photo of the Day.
- What do you vultures think of this Nutella ad?
- Mitt Romney's Spotify list.
- Same Sex Marriage greeting card of the day.
- NOW do you believe in reincarnation?
- lOOk at these fun Kids Karate School ads!
If you work in advertising and don't like this show at least a little, you are a lonely miserable punk that needs to get a life. Switch careers. Advertising is not for you.
That's coming very soon, Mr.Lemming.
Fuck you, prick. Old ugly avatar back? You look hardy muscular in that shot.
I am both hardy and muscular, thank you for the compliment. U mad Bro?
I was born in 1960. I'm a big fan of Mad Men but I'm not in advertising.
See, I wanted to be Darrin Stephens when I grew up and my family was seriously "dysfunctional," way before someone invented the term.
So for me watching the show is like some weird kind of therapy, like going back in time and getting answers to all those questions I didn't dare ask.
wv: patio. Seriously, that's quite the coincidence. "Sounds like a floor."
Dear Copyranter, I know a ton of Tumblrs that are far worthy of following than mine. For example, all of them. But nonetheless - thank you :)
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