"The King is so big, smooth, shiny, hard and black."

The latest minx from cotton inc's dollhouse models a mini-outfit by New York designer Cynthia Steffe. But, who cares. Back to the phallic imagery. A fair assumption is that this precious, oversized chessboard is located somewhere deep in the hedgerows of East Hampton, maybe even on Steven Spielberg's estate. (let's call her) Zoë doesn't know the first thing about chess. What she does know is that Puffy P. Diddy is at this soirée, and when he finally wanders back here to take a piss, she's going to be stroking that Black King.
(as usual, scanned from the back page of WWD)
previously in cotton inc:
1. Cotton Inc's Dolls allowed to catwalk during NYC Fashion Week.
2. NaoMini Campbell terrorizes sleeping maid.
3. The Fabric Of Their Size Double Zero Lives.
4. Models lighter than Cotton.
The toppled black king is dead... the match forfeited. This is just power-as-aphrodisiac foreplay. She's now going to fuck the erect and victorious white king (who's the same size as his black counterpart, but only looks smaller because of his color).
Is senselessness the height of creativity in the ad world? Because for the life of me I can't see any connection between a hard black chess piece and a soft white cotton....hmmmmm.
re: the difference in size: black king tumescent.
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