In China, according to this ad, remote controls do double duty as dildos.

Ad via Beijing Dentsu, China heralding the arrival of Playboy TV to the People's Republic. Or, maybe this is a directive from the government to their populace to start using remotes as dildos to help reduce rubber and plastic consumption? Either way, ouch. related: Chinese Viagra print ad; Dov Charney risks death by opening American Apparel stores in China.
If it's a dildo, why put a condom on it?
The condom just doesn't have a 'quick read', and took a while to figure out what the hell was hanging off the end.
Is it just me, or is it really pathetic that more people, 11 for example, give a fuck about some mediocre-looking gal in sweats posing for a crap DIY clothing ad than a really amazing photo. Who cares that it's some washed-up, formerly-hot teen idol (or is it idoless?), but the pic is amazing. It really captures that "is this all there is?" agony.
Yeah well, a pre-lubed condom would definitely facilitate insertion.
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