Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Is that a babe in your pocket, or are you nevermind.

(click images, via, via) Lynx (Axe in the US) apparently erected this live girl billboard (or "thrillboard" as they called it) last year in central London to promote the launch of its new Bullet pocket girlie-spray product. I hadn't seen it before, if you have, move on. The lass's name is Lauren Budd. She's known in the UK for being photographed while wearing bikinis. Said Budd: “I want British guys to be prepared for the ‘laydee’s’ day or night, 24/7, so they never miss an opportunity with new Lynx Bullet and Pocket Pulling Power.” Shut up. The "Lynx Effect" also promised English mooks snow shags.
Previously in the Axe Effect:
Hillary wants to fuck Obama.
Venus (the planet) wants to fuck Mars.
A periodic table full of women want to fuck you.


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