click image, via) No, it wasn't a working egg vending machine. It was set up, pre-Easter, in Frankfurt, Germany by the National Organization for Animal Health (NOAH) to promote buying free-range eggs. The video notes that the chickens were only cooped up for "a couple of hours" before being returned to their farm. PETA take note of the lack of
naked women used (nsfw) in the stunt. Video below. Ad agency: Publicis, Frankfurt.
Previous fake vending machines:
Maker's Mark •
Work Safe Victoria body parts.
Does anyone else see the irony in this?
What a terrific way to make the point. The truth is far, far more gruesome, but seeing real battery hens would make people turn away in horror. Revulsion and sex (the latter Peta's perpetually lame strategy)don't open up thinking. This does -- gently, honorably, effectively.
terrific way to make the point? fuck, just watch food inc.
terrific way to make the point? fuck, just watch food inc.
Or you could watch undercover videos taken in factory farms, they're widely available...but most don't. Too disturbing, too disgusting. Food, Inc is itself a hugely sanitized expose, as it had to be. People will accept an idea but turn away from horror. That's why this is ingenious
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