click ad, via) Veganism won't get you that body, but Photoshop will. I'd never heard of Bonnie-Jill fucking Laflin before I saw this ad, but you can read all about her
here. I did, and found out that I had actually posted a previous PETA ad with her in it,
topless. Thus concludes this week's update on PETA's junior high school-level advertising.
See more
here and
I highly doubt a pure vegetarian diet is better than a normal balanced one. Also, as my wife said, why does Peta need to make it's point in such a crude manner? But then they happily kill dogs they rescue so meh to Peta's morals!
As a woman, I'd like to say that Peta can kiss mine.
Look at the locker lock behind her butt.
Too bad her body is only achievable through photoshop, otherwise I may have turn vegetarian.
I guess I'll stick to eating defenseless animals until there's proof that this body could be mine through any physical means.
what the hell^ you guys obvi don't know ANYTHING about what Peta does. Do this little thing called research. Also, if done right, a vegetarian diet can be equally healthy if not MORE healthy than your "balanced" diet.
As a Vegetarian.... I wish!
Sadly you can still get veggie pizzas and chocolate and doughnuts. Mmm doughnuts.
It should say this:
"want my body?
Get Photoshop!"
big ... fat... lie...
Of course I want her body. For main course. Mmmmmm...
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