A whole chicken in a can? Yes, a whole chicken in a can.

(click images)
From 2009. But I hadn't seen it before.
Via Food Network Humor.
And, here's a short disgusting video.
Previously: Gourmet Cuisine's beef stroganoff "looks like a shit taking a shit."
Kill all chickens
The true source of this post:
How about Cheeseburger in a can?
are they trying to make their kid vegetarian?
what's that white ooze?!
Nathaniel: the Food Network link is six months prior to yours.
Pork brains in milk gravy is far more disgusting
When Ranter starts posting shit, it means it's a slow day in Copycrank land.
I was merely directing you to the source of the post -- the I Hate My Messageboard blog.
Her original post, cited in the Food Network write-up, was posted 4/23/09. (http://bit.ly/3TeeI)
Sorry about the lack of specificity -- no need to get ranty.
FUCK YOU! (I mean "Thank you." Sorry, kneejerk jerk.)
I bought one of these in college (which was, for me, the late 80s/early 90s). I went through a period of buying the most disgusting products I could find, just out of morbid cuiosity. This was, by far, the nasiest of the nasty.
@Francesco: The white crap is congealed fat, or aspic.
eso no es nada, Kim le gustaba comer asado de burro
(that's nothing, Kim liked to eat roast donkey)
While Kim was on his famous 2001 train trip to Moscow, a Russian envoy who traveled with him said roast donkey and fresh lobsters were flown to the train every day. Kim also reportedly ate the food with silver chopsticks, and washed it down with French wine and Champagne. Kim was also said to be one of the world's biggest buyers of Hennessey cognac.
aspic = jello made from meat stock and gelatin...
The real Chicken of the Sea?
That's pretty straightforward.
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