Designers! Whaddya think of these gross 7-Eleven ads?

(click ads, via)
They're student ads via Miami Ad School/San Francisco art director Felipe Mollica. Some commenters at Ads of the World think they're disgusting. 7-Eleven's are disgusting! And their hot dogs and nachos are super disgusting. And these layouts are no more disgusting than this real 7-Eleven Slurpee ad. And they brand baby brand! They're definitely not right for the real world, but they're interesting.
Don't write me, Felipe, we have no openings.
They work because they are being honest. This is seven Eleven in the raw, and they shot all the food well without anything rotting. Plus, the colors are attractive This would be great as a large wild posting while walking down the street.
I can see how the pitch to the CD went, AD-"We recreate the logo with the iconic slurpee aesthetic, it'll look awesome" Writer "Sure, ok I'll let you guys work on it" CD - "ok, now we just need two more, see what you can come up with, try and stay away from the beef jerky."
If I say "Alice Waters", and you say "ahhh, um hmmmm" with an arched brow and an erect salivary gland, then you will more than likely think these are disgusting. You will also never admit to eating a 7-11 hot dog.
These are fucking awesome. They bulls-eye the heart of the high fructose corn syrup jones of the type of people who eat this shit on the daily. They would test equally as well with the secondary market of drunk people who got turned down at the McDonald's drive-thu window.
The reason these would be widely considered "not for the real world" is the reason ad agencies are getting their lawns mowed and their lunches eaten by every snot nosed twerp with an MBA - because nobody has any stones. Keep on keeping on Felipe, mine's a jungle juice.
And now, I will get back to writing strategy documents.
Thank you Mr. Churchill. Are you drinking right at the moment? Kidding, I agree. "Not for the real world" doesn't mean not for me. If I were a 7-Eleven ( I wish I was right now, I wouldn't be proofreading these banner ads), I would run the snot out of these.
the one made from dribk components (ice, straws, colors) is really good!
wow, very creative, let's do the logo out of the product. what a snoozefest.
Doggone it, you're ranting up the wrong tree.
Not my cup of tea, the green straws threw me off at first, thought they were scallions. My only complaint is those ridiculous, a penny saved is a penny earned low prices, but oddly enough, they do reflect the ads dime a dozen look and execution.
I understand you having a chip on your shoulder, knowing these visuals are worth a thousand of your unnecessary words... a real toss-up.
I don't see any reason why Felipe Mollica and students would write to you or go back to the drawing board.
KUDOS to all involved for knowing who 7/11's target audience is, what they live for and what sustains them!
I get emailed by students looking for advice every damn week.
... I'm guessing your responses to them reflect a gentler, nurturing side of you OR else you'd have to deal with many more abusive, vengeful anon trolls every damn week.
I think they work. To me at least, the core of the 7-11 brand is "if you're hungry, give us $2." I can't even tell if that's meat or beans on the nachos, but the reptile part of my brain is screaming, "I could eat that."
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