Mount Rushmore.
The Bald Eagle.
George Washington. And of course,
the Statue of Liberty. In this great(
ish) country of ours, if you want to sell cars, magazines, mattresses, clothes, strip bars, whatever, and you're lazy and cheap—you have a ready pool of patriotic, rights-free images at your disposal that have been used ad infinitum through ad history. While making ads thusly isn't much of a display of "independence," it
is a very American thing to do. So today, sally forth citizens and be indolent and unoriginal. It's your
right. Also, eat a
previously in America:
The Bank of Opportunistic Stock Photo Use.
Me Tarzan. You Jane. Army Strong™. Commercial Weak.
Operation Thesaurus.
Little Mr. Apricot tells USA 'F-You.'
it's so post modern of you to suggest eating pop tarts given kellogg's vow to cut back the advertising on them given y'know the whole obesity thing.
Those are hot jeans. Think I'll get them. Look patriotic and shit. I mean, The Statue of Liberty's wearing them ... so you know, whatever's okey-doke with that French statue's okey-doke with my hardcore legs ...
Egalitee, Fraternitee, Libertee!!!
Many happy returns to you over there, from us over here. Hope you had a lovely time celebrating Independence Day.
So sweet of you to commemorate the day when a band of insurgents overthrew a legitimate government through acts of sabotage, guerilla warfare and civil unrest, aided and abetted by foreign fighters.
Keep up the good work 'Ranter x.
is the Dealer back? i do miss that guy. wonder what happened to his tenant who didn't like the wooden toilet seat?
does the statue of liberty have a bulge? this gender bending thing is getting out of hand!
Is it time yet to reintroduce the Washington Monument as protruding great white cock into the American landscape? Tha's what I'm talking about.
Anonymous: I totes agree with you.
That's how I felt about the tsunami, while roughly 240,000 people drowned and we were washed away in my ancestral homeland, douchebags in Times Square were like, "WHATEVER!!! WHO AM I GONNA KISS TONIGHT? WHERE DA DUMB BLONDE BITCHES BE AT, YO? WHERE BE MY STRETCHED HUMVEE?"
And when terrorists blew up the WTC, people all over the world were laughing at us. So fuck you, TMB.
I'm more concerned with the fact that he used the word 'totes' to express sincere agreement.
"240,000 people drowned and we were washed away in my ancestral homeland."
Yeah, that sucked.
But we're a little more concerned with the 1,836 who were washed away in Katrina.
I know it's a small number in comparison, but you know - they were American!
So, I totes disagree on your point.
And hey, Anon #1: Man, you got that English "got my ass kicked and I don't care" thing down. We changed how war is done. I mean, come on. Marching along in a line in an open field wearing red coats? You're fucking asking for trouble there, bud.
God shave the Queen.
nice blog
The bulge, it's just so weird.
So sweet of you to commemorate the day when a band of insurgents overthrew a legitimate government through acts of sabotage, guerilla warfare and civil unrest, aided and abetted by foreign fighters.
NOW THAT IS FUNNY! Bravo, anon.
> Man, you got that English "got
> my ass kicked and I don't care"
> thing down.
Thanks. We call it "irony".
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