Friday, March 14, 2008

Link Haze, 3/14/08.

• Christvertising. (link)
• Williamsburg bars are already honoring New York's hooker-hammerin' governor (right). (link)
• Staying with Spitzer, Virgin Mobile in Toronto was the first advertiser to capitalize on the scandal by producing an ad within 48 hours. (link)
• Speaking of trashy stories, here's a wonderful newish website that post's daily pics of NYC street garbage complete with pointed commentary. (link)
• And speaking of garbage, Urban Outfitters announces their arrival in Brooklyn with a stinky mess of an ad. (link)
• To cover the Latino market, Kleenex turns its new tissue snowball into a tissue soccer ball Goooal! (link)
• Lots and lots of celebrities have their own wines. (link)
• In NYC pedi-cabs become pedi-ads. Ads everywhere! (link)
• Evian brumisateur facial spray (it's just water), $10 a bottle. (link)
• Go behind the scenes of the shoot for the next over-produced Sony Bravia spot, if that interests you in the slightest. (link)
• Pop Tarts® are (still) life. (link)
• Trump's full page ad for The Apprentice in the New York Times this week had at least two glaring typos. The proofreader's FIRED! (link)
• A copywriter has started an advertising poetry blog. He wants your submissions, wordy, creative ad bards. (link)
• Effective TV spot of the week: promoting a 30mph speed limit in England. Thanks to Kevin Erskine for the tip. (link)
• Regional xenophobia via a Lone Star beer billboard. (link)
• The weirdest Insecticide spot you will ever watch. (link)
• Finally, how would you find work if your previous job was as a marijuana smuggler? You'd place a display ad in the classifieds. (link)
This marks my 1,111th post (not counting the scores I've mysteriously deleted). Here was my first.


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, man. Congrats on your 1111th post. May you have 1111 more, or something like that.

3:50 PM  
Blogger RFB said...

Nice milestone, CR. And thanks for the repeated Link Hazing.

My word verification right now is "oaksntqa" which I'm pretty sure is Chippewa for "boner."

4:31 PM  
Blogger Iagos said...

CafePress already had "Client #9" tee shirts for sale yesterday afternoon.

My word verification probably stands for something obscene. There are a lot of MF's.

5:07 PM  
Blogger spencer said...

No apostrophe in "posts" (the garbage website link).

Sorry - usually I'm not quite so pedantic, but I am especially bothered by improper apostrophe placement, for some reason.

8:08 AM  
Blogger copyranter said...

spencer: I'm leaving it as it is——a pinprick of laziness in my otherwise rigorously pristine blog.

8:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, wouldn't the "Spitzer Spritzer" be a Happy Hour where all the drinks cost $1,000?

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One for $5, two for $9. OH.

1:30 AM  

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