Another fake American Apparel billboard insertion.
Actually this time, her finger isn't quite inserted in one of her holes (last time, at least one finger, maybe two, was buried in her pooper). But anyway, I'm glad our prankster continues to bravely fight ad pornography is his or her own ironic and graphically appealing way; though this self-diddling pose will probably just by replicated by the uncreative Mr. Pantsless in some future AA Ribbed Thong or "Tap" Panty ad iteration. (poster on Spring Street, via stereohell)
Thank you wry prankster who continues to amuse ordinary citizens like myself.
what makes you think this is fake?
Some may feel squeamish about eating it, but rabbit has a fan base that grows as cooks discover how easy they are to raise — and how good the meat tastes.
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