Link Haze, 7/18/08.

• Texas t-shirt of the week: the difference between Obama and Osama is just a little b.s. (link)
• London's Olympics logo, shat on. (link)
• 10 female ad icons and the actresses who could replace them. (link)
• AdAge's Ken Wheaton hates virtual world press releases/likes Jack Daniels—check and check. (link)
• Advertising is Lies Well Disguised™. But here's a list of lies ad people tell each other. (link)
• Six Flags profits: NO FLAGS! (link)
• Plaid Nation Tour part 2 starts next week. (link)
• horse piss beer. (link)
• Speaking of alcohol, proud Canadian Drunken Stepfather delivers a sorta pro Celine Dion, sorta pro French women, definitely Bukowski-esque sick diatribe. (link)
• Mamma Mia!, starring Dexter. (link)
• wonderful photo of a blue heron. I love blue herons. (link)
• New York Life seeks 3-word ads. Because Death Happens? (link)
• Orange County, Florida polite Republican billboard. (link)
• Lastly, the script for Tarantino's next flick "Inglourious (sic) Basterds (sic)" (link)
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