(click ad, via) Fool your friends into thinking they're eating a marshmallow, or something. Fire up the unnecessary quotation marks generator. Previous Buygone Product of the Week: the Dimple Machine.
My sister has one of these, I think she found it at a thrift store. The only problem is that the eggs lose their cube shape after some time, and it can be hard to use the thing without breaking the eggs, they have to be at juuuuust the right temperature. Still, deviled eggs that don't roll!
I kind of want this.
My sister has one of these, I think she found it at a thrift store. The only problem is that the eggs lose their cube shape after some time, and it can be hard to use the thing without breaking the eggs, they have to be at juuuuust the right temperature. Still, deviled eggs that don't roll!
They still make them: http://www.thekitchenstore.com/eggcuber.html
When all foodstuffs are polygonal, the future will have finally arrived.
These are still made and used daily in Japan for Bento boxes.
Nobody knows why.
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