When Beavis and Butt-Head do Porn Ads (sfw).

(click ads, via) Uh, huh-huh. Eroticons? Are you dillweeds time-travelers? Campaign for adult video site RedTube, by two chodes at the Escola Cuca ad school in Brazil. I guess the headline is referencing jerking off, though that's an unconvincing way to sell it. Then again, this is coming from ad students, whose experience with condoms—and by extension, vagina (or ass)—is almost certainly very limited. Ad students from around the world? 1) This is how to advertise porn/sex (TV, TV, print) and 2) don't put porn ads in your portfolio.
the headline is bad, but i find the equations quite ... inspired :)
I'm with deedee. The equations make me smile but the tagline pisses me off. Please, let's not perpetuate the myth that safer sex is less fun.
I want to see the equation for how many dudes would prefer sex with a condom with a real live partner over sex by themselves with porntube for company. I haven't had enough coffee to try to take on that challenge.
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