click ad, via) It's retro sexist ad time again! The year, 1969. The time was ripe for a new feminine hygiene spray, what with all the stinky hippie chicks looking to be less stinky. To the copy (sentence fragment overload alert!): "Demure is for all the time. Not just for some days. But just because you're a female." The teddy bear here represents a hairy vadge, in case you missed it. For you ad anthropologists, here's
11 of the retro sexist-est ads ever conceived by men.
That's making me so angry. Wish i could go back in time and make the people who wrote and approved this smell a woman's vagina.
There are so many things wrong with this ad.
It's a bit of a stretch, but can we say that the advent of feminine hygiene products helped usher in women's liberation?
I mean, here in the West, who talks or hears about the 'curse' or those pesky fish smells anymore.
Free at last! Free at last!
The world is my Oyster!
"It's a bit of a stretch..."
That's what she said!
"Good morning, ladies."
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