SEND ME TIPS: copyranter(at)gmail(dot)com

Previous Posts
- Can this ridiculous 9/11-exploiting ad be real?
- VENN DIAGRAM: Advertising "geeks?" You are not act...
- How do you advertise a new pear-flavored soft drink?
- F*ck everything about this Bentley ad.
- Subway using dwarfs to make their sandwiches look ...
- Axe crams 300+ boobs into one shower.
- Is this NIVEA ad racist?
- Full-page newspaper ad asks: "Have you ever had se...
- Ad agency steals logo. Gets caught. Says "blow me."
- Quite possibly, the strangest beer ad ever.
What's your problem with kids? Or are you just impotent?
I believe the children are our are future.
Teach them well and let them lead the way.
Show them all the beauty they possess inside.
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier.
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be.
This entire website is just a re-post of stuff found on Reddit.
So Ranter, if cremation is not a consideration, have you willed yet the exact copy you would like on your tombstone?
Don't forget, "All in all, I would rather be in Philadelphia" has already been taken by W. C. Fields, known for sharing similar sentiments:
"Children should neither be seen or heard from - ever again."
"Anyone who hates children and animals can't be all bad."
Anon: Don't forget Ads of the World...that and Reddit account for 99.99999999999999% of my content.
Just trying to match your hyperbole.
I am not trying to be mean, but I agree with Anon. I'm one of your "oldest" (most loyal) readers, and I miss the old days when your rants (that is, comments) would be longer than just two or three sentences, and the content would not be just Aotw and/or Reddit. All my favorite posts from your blog are from earlier years.
Well, I have this 60-hour a week full-time job, ya know? Kinda my first priority? I simply don't have as much time now as back then.
I also used to get a LOT of reader tips, now I get next to zero.
I love this blog more than ever.
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