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Previous Posts
- Hard Nipple-vertising via Skoda.
- Bra ads mimic horror film posters.
- Here's the only WonderBra ad ever to feature an er...
- Is this the most offensive print ad ever produced?
- Art Directors Gone Wild! Shut-up, Brazil!
- Belfast bus poster: "Throwing your own poo. It's n...
- The world's largest bra (for breast cancer awarene...
- Disgusting Food Packaging of the Day.
- Art Directors Gone Wild! #10
- "Hell's Angels are pussies " (print ad).
I was laughing until I read the cause. Then it was just sad.
It is sad. But so is amateur sign making.
Tom + Copyranter. One on top of the other. What a lovely sight.
Feministas are always knocking my hobbies.....this time shoe wanking
I'm filing this post for future reference in case my boss ever gets some crazy idea that he doesn't really need designers in his firm any more.
nice butts tho.
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