Under her skirt, iPod girl's Shiny and Sheer.

Unlike her bushy iGirlfriend.
The fake American Apparel ad artist continues to terrorize downtown Manhattan with his/her graphic two-color antiestablishmentarianism (or something). I like that the artist is now subverting real billboards, like with this earlier execution that cheekily partially covered an "E" poster. A couple of commenters have pointed out the obvious first thought—that these are the work of an AA operative. I don't think so. While not brilliantly ironic, these posters are still infinitely smarter than any marketing moves previously displayed by their predictable, porny pants-optional CEO—even the Woody Allen billboards. other fake AA posters: "the Romper," with dildos; "Barely There" masturbation; and the tube-socked pooper plunderer. (Lafayette St. @ Great Jones via the bons vivants at stereo hell) update: soundtrack—Peaches, "AA XXX"
I believe she is balding up using Occam's razor.
art=0, publicity=10
What is the anti-establishment, subversive message with these? AA creates hot chicks with bald pussies that like to finger their butts?
I am going to buy something from AA immediately!
note to commenters:
the above is what I consider a good comment.
note to cydi: Occam's razor...niiiiice.
While the artist may not be a fan of 14th century Franciscan friars I would say she may have seen House a time or two.
Smooth and sheer may be just the best way to feel the vibes on her Ferlinghetti.
the funny thing is Great Jones Spa is right there. $80 brazilians for everyone!
uggh, that toe.
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