A campaign that could go on for-Effen-ever.

(click ads, via) Dutch vodka Effen (means "smooth" in the native Netherlandian tongue) launched about four years ago in the US. Now, their Chicago agency, Euro RSCG, has finally rolled out the double entendre print ads that capitalize on the—what I'm sure was—carefully selected brand name. Puns are almost always a terrible creative linchpin (see: asshat Kenneth Cole). But with this product, doing anything else would be Effen pointless.
Previously in torturous ad puns:
• Model Tea.
• Shoe-icide.
• Clay achin'.
• General Betray Us.
• Bud's InaugurALE.
Cute tmesis.
did you notice the pin on the stewardess hat. it looks like TAA. T&A Airlines.
did you notice the pin on the stewardess hat. it looks like TAA. T&A Airlines.
This ad agency is behind the times. When I first saw that stuff out at the bar, I ordered it and said, "make me a Cape Cod, but this time put some Effen vodka in it."
good eyes, guys.
That's it! I'm tired of this mother effin vodka on this mother effin plane!
Thanks. I'll be here all week.
Love the campaign, very stylish!
It's about time Effin figured out that their greatest commodity is their name.
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