Ad Creep Update: "hair" hockey tables (WTF)?

(click image, via) It's time for another Ad Creep Update—the ongoing feature where I document the 21st century epidemic of advertising media placement seeping into every nook and cranny of your daily life.
Procter & Gamble wanted to let young Filipino women know that washing their heads with Rejoice shampoo (the #1 brand in Asia) results in "extra smooth hair." So, via Leo Burnett Manila, they placed these specially-branded air hockey tables in malls and college dorms and such. They are bizarre. And is air hockey big with women in the Philippines? Here in the States, it's more of a drunken male pastime. In fact, I'm picturing young men doing things to and on these tables. Unsavory, untoward things. Previously: China Ad Watch: Head & Shoulders.
Too bad the puck return hole isn't at her mouth.
It'd be like she was vomiting pucks.
And you could put your dick in it.
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