Perfectly horrible placement for a Cruise Ship ad.

(Left) Six dead, 29 missing is the latest count in the Costa Concordia disaster. (Right) So, book your cruise today with Resecity! Rates just reduced! From today's Dagens Nyheter (Daily News) in Sweden. Thanks Andrei. Previous evil newspaper ad placement: Newt Gingrich and a Tiffany's ad in the Wall Street Journal. update: commenter says it's not Dagens Nyheter, but a local paper called Ångermanlänningen. update #2: here's another shot of the same spread.
Somebody opened up this newspaper in the morning and couldn't believe their luck. They just could not wait to get their camera out and be the first to send it all round the worldy widey webby. Well, congratulations, whoever you are, you must be very very proud of yourself. Your contrubution to the disaster effort has been well and truly recognised by all.
Copyranter, you in turn cannot wait to spread the fun. You obviously get some sort of weird buzz out of this unfortunale juxtaposition of ad and copy. It's an accident (obviously). Accidents happen. No need to gloat over it. People have died.
Accident? This is a print newspaper, many people looked at the layout before it went to press. I worked for several newspapers before I got into advertising. This could have easily been changed (you move around the editorial).
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I see an unfortunate, accident or not, a single 4 pg pullout (note page 12 on left) and the RESECITY ad (with no page #) though initially printed side by side would not be the way it's finally read/viewed.
Newspapers (and magazines) often leave page numbers off ad pages.
It's not Dagens Nyheter but a small local newspaper named Ångermanlänningen.
Thanks Anders.
The other shot makes it clear that it's a 'stapled' tabloid paper. SO the Ångermanlänningen editorial buffoons knew full well what they were doing.
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