(seriously nsfw) German Cosmo's tortured S&M shoot.

(click images, via Homotography) Previous stops on the racy fashion photo shoot world tour: Italy (nsfw). Sweden. Brazil. France. And the US (nsfw). Achtung, baby! In the latest "Sex & Art" issue of the German edition of Cosmopolitan, model Brian Shimansky and model-actress Eva Padberg don the leather, rope, and latex for the kind of photo shoot that Deutschland dominates über all other countries. Your guess is as good as mine as to whether or not that's Shimanksy's actual zuckerstange. Shots to appear in American Cosmo never. Previously: Deutsche mag ad features a German Shepherd licking a Teutonic fräulein's snatch (nsfw).
Conceived and executed in a restrained, disciplined and clinical fashion by the blood spatter-pattern analyst (slash) photographer Dexter Morgan.
Deutschland uber alles INDEED!
Actual Photog: Armin Morbach.
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