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Previous Posts
- Brooklyn Street Art of the Day.
- The creepiest pizza ad ever.
- Graphic Designers, how bad is the Advertising Week...
- Hot in China: Obama Fried Chicken.
- Is this office woman's erotic fellating of a Popsi...
- Tom Ford sniffing fragrance strips pulled out of a...
- I've deleted the post that was here because it gre...
- Finland is home to the wackiest McDonald's ads.
- It's your sexxxy 1970s underwear ad update.
- Pic of the Week: Real Doll owner support group.
What's with your new picture? Were you being punished when someone took that photo or were you peeing against the wall, with your hands behind your neck? Bring back the golden middle finger.
People complained about the finger. It's a place holder until I think of something else. Or, I'll bring back the golden finger.
:-) too bad there are no creative types that could come up with a tastefully expressive ranting stick figure cartoon character. :-)
Um, I don't get it. Get a blade to cut her bonds? Or to cut her while she is tied up?
That's up to you!
Or to shave her pussy? I can't stand looking at Copyranter's flat ass.
This is truly unbelievably gruesome. How can we even laugh about this picture? Is tying women up funny? Maybe if her face looked the way most women's would it wouldn't be as funny. This is sick.
Also...are we cutting her up or are we letting her loose?
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