The largest 3-D street art ad ever by Reebok.

(click images, via)
In London, for the new CrossFit trainer. Artists last week created the largest piece of 3-D street art ever (over 1,000 square meters), garnering Reebok not one but two Guinness world records. I don't like 3-D street art, but it's kinda cool looking, I guess. Compare it to the Guinness-confirmed smallest ad ever—100 microns—etched on a whisker by Gillette. Previous street ads:
• Mercedes-Benz • New Zealand police • Smart car • and Jontex condoms.
booooring. like the music. street art. because it is literally on the street. yeah.
This was done by London-based street art duo '3D Joe and Max'. View their work at
The art piece was nearly 350 ft long and measured 9,601 square feet. How can anyone call that boring?
Previously, Joe (last name Hill) did the Royal Wedding pavement art piece in Sydney, as part of the Visit Britain tourism campaign. View here,
I love street art, but this Reebok piece is not the best I've seen.
I love the work of Kurt Wenner and especially Edgar Müller, regarded as two of the world's very best 3D street artists.
How f***ing pedestrian of you ranter for not liking 3-D street art, oh well, chacun a son gout.
How do architectural murals fare with you then?
Gaze up at Richard Haas' work instead:
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