PBS mercilessly mocks America in British ads.

(click ads, via)
"USA with a higher IQ?" Fuck Q, PBS! And if you're so fucking smart, why does your American flag only have 28 states? Huh? Besides, all you show here is hoity-toity British shows anyway.
Defund the Commie PBS!
Defeat the Commie Nobama!
Ad agency: Hypernaked, London.
This puts me in mind of a CNN International TV ad that ran (briefly) in Europe in 2001. It shows a scene of a bank robbery that ends with every person in the bank--tellers, customers, and the robber--turning out to have a gun in his or her possession. The tagline: "CNN International. Because things are different in America."
Before you go off on a rant about the lamestream media you should understand these ads are for a UK audience.
They are selling their channel on the idea that it is amercian content but with a focus on quality content insead of wall to wall Kim Kardashian and Snooki.
The flag has light bulbs not stars because its about american ideas.
Anonymous, you're obviously not the target audience for these ads.
Does America need mercy. I do believe you may have missed the point. so many things you take with a pinch of salt, yet this irks you. did you get out of the wrong side of the bed? as a hardened copywriter I believe you hardly noticed this waft under your nose, but as you did, you have prooved a point, it got noticed and quoted... so are you just pandering to your audience...
Yo Andy:
Thanks, my opinion of you restored. broad shoulders, thick skin and a britishesque stiff upper lip and an intelect big enough to work about IQ benchmarking to your credit. admirable sociopsychophysical attribites
Whoa, slow down Andy, it's gonna take my Merican mind a week to discern that comment.
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