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posted by copyranter @ 10:30 AM
An inch?Well, maybe.I suppopse the Artful Dodger does have some pretty small fingers.
I must have a dirty mind. I see a half-open zipper and the word "inch," and, well, it's not pickpockets that are on my mind.
the copy alone reminds me of high school...
The mayor's office didn't have enough money for another stock photo, so they just used one from an old PSA about Underground molesters.
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An inch?
Well, maybe.
I suppopse the Artful Dodger does have some pretty small fingers.
I must have a dirty mind. I see a half-open zipper and the word "inch," and, well, it's not pickpockets that are on my mind.
the copy alone reminds me of high school...
The mayor's office didn't have enough money for another stock photo, so they just used one from an old PSA about Underground molesters.
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