Like most people who work as an advertising copywriter or art director, I have used Macs my whole life. Plain and simple, they're just better for visual artwork. BUT, in this latest batch of insipid Mac vs. PC commercials, the PC man is
clearly the hero. Pull the trigger, my man. Pull the trigger. (found
here at the latest Worth1000.com Photoshop contest).
I wish it was one of those guns that fire both ways so that this miserable campaign stops airing.
A nerdy "how to shoot yourself in the foot" with various programming languages just popped into my head. I think you had to be there (or be a geek) to laugh at the word "waterlogged".
Sorry. ;)
(see: http://m5p.com/~pravn/foot.html )
wait ! this one is better!
* Three thousand people line up on your apartment's welcome mat and demand to be shot in their feet. One by one, you oblige them, but halfway through, the http connection times out and the crowd lynches you. "
ahahahahah.. *cries laughing*
wow. a woman who goes by "dabitch" with deep programming knowledge. the damage she could do. please don't destroy my site...
Oh sweetie, I'm a nice girl, I am. ;)
Isn't that the girlyboy from
the Break-Up dateflick minus the wig?
so XXI
Yes, but the gun was made by Microsoft, which means it’ll misfire, giving The Dude a chance to pull out a much simpler, yet better functioning weapon like a knife, and stabbing him.
Yeah. Stabbing him in the weener you mean. All you artsy types go straight for the weener. Don't lie. Weener stabber weener stabber. Yeah. You like it when I say that doncha? Makes you hot in the crotch. Makes your weener boil, huh? Maybe you can have it for supper. Between a whole wheat bun. With some mustard. And a fork. So you can stab it. You weener stabber.
You have to give it up for the anon poster. He's quite possibly the most visual writer I've read on the net so far. His flow is absolutely wonderful.
I've been following his stuff here and elsewhere on the net for quite some time. You can always tell it's him. Without a doubt, when it comes to prose, this anon has one of the most prolific brains of our generation.
I, for one, am collecting all the musings of his that I can find. It's my "I knew him when ..." collection.
The guy is a genius. There is little doubt. And I hear he's hung like a donkey.
Yes, but the gun was made by Microsoft, which means it’ll misfire, giving The Dude a chance to pull out a much simpler, yet better functioning weapon like a knife, and stabbing him.
Apart from the Xbox (which people seem to like) and their upcoming mp3 player Microsoft doesn't do hardware and a gun is completely hardware.
Am I the only person who remembers Apple's screw ups? The Cube (which froze all of the freaking time) comes to mind and the craptasticness of designing something (the ipod) where you CAN'T REPLACE THE BATTERY unless you go through some third party vendor and do it yourself or shell out another 75 bucks (in less than two years for something you've already dropped hundreds of dollars on) to Apple again for them to send you a new one? If Creative (Zen Micro) could get their act together to make one with a removable battery, couldn't the so-called geniuses at Mac? And while we're at it how about making one mildly water resistant? And don't even get me started on the supreme suckiness that is itunes.
The reality is Mac's got such cachet these days because they pop out a new product every five seconds and the products look really cool. Perfect for the ADD generation. Also, Bill gates? I *don't* hate Windows and I want to kick his ass.
Windows isn't perfect, but from personal experience neither is Mac. As a burgeoning engineer and a former econ person Mac just isn't friendly to my work environment. A lot of older still in use software just wasn't designed to run in a Mac environment and a lot of newer stuff only works on Macs because OSX is a Unix based system.
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