What every self-respecting Bleacher Creature will be wearing this Fall.

Are you a real Yankees fan? Do you get wood every time you hear Bob Shepherd say "Derek Jeta?" Well then, do I have some jewelry for you, Mickey. For 150 bucks, you can proudly sport a pair of these beauts: Sterling Silver cufflinks with authentic blue painted wood from the seats of Yankee Stadium. Fucking Wow, right? And each pair is INDIVIDUALLY NUMBERED on a CERTIFICATE of AUTHENTICITY!!! Think of it, Reggie—you could be wearing some long-ago spilt beer or deeply embedded fart smell on your wrists to your next meeting! See Ya!!!
previous Yankee posts:
1. Alex get upstairs and put your big pants on!
2. Yankee Clubhouse Soon To Smell Like Whorehouse.
3. Is IT In YOU?
I like the Michael Kay reference. He's cool. (Not you, Mr. K.)
I'm going to start scraping gum off the sidewalks in NYC and packaging the gobs as unique earrings. 200.00 a pair. Any takers?
I could say something hip and disparaging, but the fact is I like the look of these links.
I am legally obligated (based upon birth and location) to announce "Yankees Suck."
I do however kind of like the cufflinks except for for the skeeve factor - was the wood steam cleaned? No? Um, gross then.
I'm waiting for the porcelin version made from Stadium urinals. Due out in Christmas '08, in conjunction with the unveiling of yet ANOTHER stupid old-but-new retro MLB venue on River Avenue.
Go Tigers
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