Time for another round of...WTF does this AD mean?

(click ad to analyze)
It's an ad from India for Durex Performa condoms—which supposedly make you "last longer." Now, that "you" is key; we can then assume that this ad is directed at men. And those are sound waves, yes? OK. So? Three grunts and I cum? That's not very long. Or maybe the first three smaller waves represent when I would've cum with a nice thin condom? Maybe I should get an answer from the condom experts—NYU kiddies? Or these New Zealand ad guys who better understand the product? Better yet, YOU tell me what the ad means in the comments...
(image via)
perhaps b/c the guy lasts longer, he's now able to give his girl an orgasm and the sound waves are from her. or perhaps i'm an idiot.
Nah, not an idiot...I was thinking the same thing too.
But I'm a female. If it weren't for the you, I'd think the ad was directed at woman...buy this condom for your minute man, and you'll get it three times before he does?
I think it means sex in a Durex will clearly give you a heart attack.
Ads of the World has the same discussion, and I think the girl one is the only one that makes sense.
Unless it's building like a sneeze: "ahhhhh......ah-ah-ah...ahahahahahaha......CHOO!"
me & adstudent: that's very Utopian of youz, but of course a vast majority of men don't giver a shit about a woman's O...
Copyranter, beg to differ. I think a lot of guys care about a woman's O. Why else would so many of them have performance anxiety? They want to be the stud in bed.
Do you have a pony tail, anon?
Sound waves? Or is it a Richter scale?
EIGHT FUCKING SELF REFERENCES! It's time to pull your head from your arse.
Actually, it's only SEVEN. The last link leads to AdsOfTheWorld.
What's the frequency, Kenneth?
obviously the call is cuming from inside the house.
Doesn't matter that most guys don't care about women getting their rocks off. Most guys also don't care about what condoms they are using - one bag is pretty much as bad as another.
This ad is targeting women, with the promise of multiple orgasms before their partner is spent. The ad is for the girls, not for the boys.
It's clearly a Rorschach ink blot of a penis.
I think it represents the audio from after sex...
Oh... shit... you're... PREGNANT!!??
I think it means it dulls the sensation to your penis so you don't ejaculate as quickly as you would with the competitor's shoddy product(s).
It makes an iota of more sense than the kids in the HSBC ad. You're right. That makes no sense. Even the copy doesn't match the photograph.
It means last longer than your typical "Three Pump Chump".
The ad is targeted at nerds/geeks (not the average guy or average woman). Do you honestly think the average person would understand a sound waveform?? Ironically, nerds and geeks are often seen in movies and are stereotyped as never getting laid (and thus getting over-excited when they actually are with a woman). Someone with potentially low self esteem (like a nerd/geek who never gets laid) is also going to want to please their partner (for the ego boost).
Therefore, this ad can only be interpreted one way: The waveform represents "oh! oh! OhhhhHHHHHhhhhHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" coming from the woman. Hearing that sound is the un-attainable dream of many guys who gets off before their lady can, so it makes sense that they put put that as the waveform. It's an ideal that they can supposedly attain with durex's long-lasting condoms.
I get it. It's not that complicated. I'd say they nailed their target group dead on. However, you would have to be one of the members of the target group to actually understand the ad correctly, methinks.
The ad is depicting a seismograph recording... as in the earth moved.
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