"I call architecture frozen music."—Goethe

"So, it's agreed. we're calling our building TEMPO."
"OK, so let's stick an iPod in the layout."
"An iPod. The click wheel'll be the O in TEMPO. And we'll put the rendering in the screen."
"Eh, Apple might have a problem with that."
"We'll change it a little."
"Are we giving away iPods?"
(scanned from last Sunday's New York Times. go here for more senseless New York City real estate advertising)
Dude! I so want to live there so I can blast music and get kicked out!
Non-PC observation, but isn't associating a tall building with the word "hit", in NY, and in August/September, a tad naff?
Actually, "hit" is a typo. The letter 's' is missing from the word.
So they wanted an iPod so they could identify the building with what's cool--Apple products. Except...who has one of those old things anymore? It's all about the touch screen, baby!
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