Matchbox Molds Little Soulless Killers.
(click ads) Children of War. Hey, I played army growing up, and killed many a neighborhood kid, some multiple times (I never got hit). And being an only child, I also played a lot of bedroom army, setting up epic illogical WWII toy battle fronts. But these Matchbox ads via Ogilvy & Mather in Singapore are just creepy and depressing (They appear to be real—full agency credits are listed.). I get the point: Matchbox makes realistic little war machine replicas. But what's with the thousand-mile stares on the young faux dogfaces? Why not also splatter some blood on tank boy's uni? These may be worse than the New Zealand armed forces recruitment ads that used designer toy soldiers and Tetris imagery to entice teens.
You try living in the shit for a year when you're eight. You'll get the stare, too.
Driven by dark memories of toddlerhoods spent as jackhammers.
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