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- copyranter's 2nd column for Project magazine.
- "Shocking" animal rights ads unshockingly banal.
- PETA mocks the sexual performance of cattlemen.
- Stigmata-vertising?
- Before the Segway, there was the Duoped of DEATH.
- New darker Skittles commercial.
- Link Haze, 1/31/11.
- American malls are a (dick) joke.
- PETA's Super Bowl video features models fellating ...
- This week's restaurant commercial that'll make you...
This is a great but yet simple idea from the Apple Store. However, most people who are going to buy this item aren't going to be drawn in by this clever window advertising. I think this window advertisement would be even more intriguing if they did something similar with a more common Apple device like an iPod or an iPhone that individuals might actually buy on impulse.
I am studying Internet Marketing with @dr4ward at #wmu and I subscribe to your blog. #mkt3730
Well, for affluent people, an Air could most certainly be an impulse purchase.
girl_by_fire, you're missing the point. the reason why they display it in such fashion is to boast the mac air's lightness.
most people don't really give a damn about an ipod or iphone being almost weightless; they do when it is an actual laptop.
and so you study internet marketing.
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