Today's ads that'll make art directors touch their genitals.

(click ads, via) Hands below desks, ADs—it's that time again. Fuck wordy copywriters, right? The ads kinda work!—Alka-Seltzer pH balances your stomach, right? But I actually dislike them. I don't really know why? Maybe it's the usurping of Taoist philosophy by an evil pharmaceutical company? Maybe it's the kinda ugly two-color artwork? Maybe I'm jealous? Maybe I didn't get enough love as a child? No matter, I don't like them. Ad agency: BBDO Guatemala.
Related: Fake cat-abusing Alka-Seltzer ad via Ukraine.
Related: sexually suggestive Alka-Seltzer ad from 1969.
What's an under-inflated ballon and a jug of shaving foam got to do with upset stomachs?
the two circles and the dots remind me of some guys balls... ewww!
Yeah, that chicken leg thing isn't very well rendered.
You are jealous. Not the first time.
I thought the chicken leg was a fish!
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