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- This is the funniest injury lawyer commercial you ...
- PETA buys ad space on dead man's urns.
- Are these some of the dumbest ads I've ever seen?
- How does Marc Jacobs advertise a $5,700 dress?
- Link Haze, 10/3/11.
- A Chinese monster made out of plastic bags.
- Hungarian advertising festival promoted with naked...
- Brooklyn Street Art of the Day.
- The creepiest pizza ad ever.
- Graphic Designers, how bad is the Advertising Week...
any ad that starts off with, or uses, that hawk / eagle sound is pretty lame.
It's not online-only though, think it just premiered online...
Jeez. As if one unfunny spot (the lawyers one) wasn't enough. Yawn.
But in the lawyers spot, the woman actually did fall, and they then convinced the client to go with that footage. Sorry, that's funny.
There is no proof that in the lawyers spot the woman actually did fall. I do not care what the agency that did that spot is saying. They might be lying just to make things interesting! And you've demonstrated time and time again that you are very gullible.
Well, thanks for sharing, person who doesn't like my blog but keeps on reading and reading and reading, day after day after day.
Now that's funny.
Not sure what things are like over in the states, but these "celeb parody ad"s are popular over here in Blighty. They'll wheel out the hoff, chesney hawks, inspired kitsch nostalgia to sell anything.
Thing is, it dates so badly and so quickly, it bites both client and agency on the arse. Clients hate it as their product gets to closely associated with this sort of gag, and agencies hate it as they get known as the place to go for if you want unfunny ads with a kitsch faded star as your products mouthpiece.
What's Van Damme's net worth? Can't he afford a decent rug?
His rug is made from the hair of his dead enemies.
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