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Revenge on slipping? thats my best guess. Quattro gives the car better traction
I guess Audi's quattro AWD will finally let you get your soccer ball without getting stuck in the mud.
Get revenge on the naughty muddy field by driving your big 4x4 pussy-magnet all over it.
>Send me some *good* tips<
So now you are being super picky. What constitutes good?
You should be grateful that people are sending you tips in the first place.
I should be. But I'm not.
Revenge: obviously the kid is going to go and fuck up the Audi by getting it all muddy. - Tobin
Of course you are not. That's why no one should be sending you anything. Ungrateful *)(@#*$).
The target was a bullied, beleaguered loser circa 1970 and will now get his comeuppance by driving a pimp-ass car. Duh!
Revenge: so sometime back in the late 1970s some fucker tripped this (worryingly Aryan) kid up on the soccer field. Now he's grown up into an Audi-owning douchebag Nazi, he's going to run over the fucker in his Quattro.
Time for Revenge (Ice Skating)
Time for Revenge (Skiing)
Now, the set is complete. I find the interpretations hilarious, btw.
Jimmy Kimmel had parents record their kids as they told them they ate all their Halloween candy.
He had them post it to YouTube & here's the best
It's the slipping/traction thing. The Quattro wasn't a "big 4x4 pussy-magnet" BTW, it was a three door coupe
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