Snakes on a Motherf'ing Pump.

What to wear to tomorrow's premiere of Snakes On A Plane: For a mere motherfuckin' $1,090, you hot bitches out there gotta go get yourselves a pair of these motherfuckin' Python Pumps from motherfuckin' Chanel. What? Are you going to wear motherfuckin' flip fuckin' flops? Fuck no! Hurry! Samuel L. fuckin' Jackson is counting on you!
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Bag.
There's motherfukin snakes on your motherfuckin Chanels?!? FUCK!!
those muthufukin heels would make my muthufukin balls hurt. i'll take a pair of the balling on air instead.won't look as good with my movie premiere gown tho.
you're telling me that if a woman was wearing those, you wouldn't fuck her sideways? those are HOT!
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