Link Haze, 1/25/08.

• Bird craps in reporter's mouth. (link)
• Cool looking spot for Samaritans, a UK helpline charity. I don't completely follow, but it looks cool. (link)
• Staying on the vintage tip—they just don't write champale ads like this anymore. (link)
• Speaking of malt liquor, elitist shitheel Eliot Spitzer wants to tax the fuck outta the bum elixir to help close the state's huge budget gap. (link)
• CajunBoyInTheCity is now writing a hilarious weekly column (Wednesdays) on DealBreaker as a fake Goldman Sachs banker. This week: The Black Party. (link)
• A gallery of Martin Luther King holiday ads ranging from mildly inspiring to pathetically patronizing. (link)
• Let's go to the Dairy Queen, hon. No blacks! (link)
• China: better sperm than us. Better ducks than us. (link)
• A fun roundup of horrific tax services TV ads. (link)
• The world's biggest fish stick. (link)
• Real Dolls too real for you, pervo? Here's Boy Toys, kinda like five-foot tall "working" Bratz. (link)
• In Greenpoint Brooklyn, they call the apartment buttons "buzzards." (link)
• Stoned hipsters' mellow is harshed by bleeding Rabbit's foot. (link)
• Quite simply, the best cemetery ads ever done. (link)
surely that's the Amorica cover...?
Wow, I guess you could say that TV reporter was having a "shitty" day.
Thanks, I'm here all week.
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