I wasn't going to post about this witless WonderBra ad that ran Tuesday—International Pancake Day—until I read that it was created by big, bloated Publicis/London, not by two giggling ad school scamps.
Now: the agency creative team may only be referring to the fact that pancakes are, duh, flat; but I'm pretty sure they're also alluding to that lovely slang term that women absolutely adore...pancake tits. Nice work, nimrods. How old are you—11? It makes this Publicis/Paris Wonderbra ad and this Dentsu/Singapore WonderBra dead woman TV spot seem courtly in comparison.
But isn't that the point? To make women feel insecure about their breasts so they buy the product?
At any rate, excrable.
Classic FUD.
All this does is give me a craving for actual pancakes, not breasts.
Is it just me or does the sliced lemon not draw any allusion at all to pancakes; pancake breasts; or wonder-bra breasts.
So not only is it infantile - it's also illogical.
YES, anon. If it was a sliced grapefruit——something else one would eat for breakfast——that would at least make some sense. Plus it's a bigger fruit.
Should've been melons.
But maybe it's a Brit thing we're not getting - like "'ave a look at that bird, Jimmy. Nice pair o' lemons, innit?"
I'd love to see the work the copyranter has done in his career.
Here's a primer, anon:
Enjoy your anonymity.
Are lemon breasts good breasts? I have no idea. They must smell nice, though.
The ad does suck. But my money is still on copyranters print book being shit. You're just a misanthropic bore with a very uninteresting writer's voice.
And yes, I do enjoy my anonymity.
Wouldn't it have made more sense (I know, I know) to show them from the opposite angle? At least then they'd be a little more breast-like with the nipply ends of the lemon halves.
OUCH, anon.
Misanthropes hurt, too.
This ad is a disgrace, but so is the product itself. It's false advertising.
For some reason, just seeing those grapefruit halves makes me want to make a fruit salad with a banana...
There's a cultural divide at work here folks - in the UK pancakes are traditionally consumed on Shrove Tuesday with fresh lemon juice, golden syrup and a little sugar. Hence, I suspect, the lemon halves as boobs imagery.
Moreover, the phrase "pancake tits" is not really used over here - I think the copywriter was playing on the Brit. English similie "flat as a pancake" - which can be used idiomatically for anything flat - seas, burst tyres, and yes, ladies chests.
In other words it's a very UK-centric ad. Still the usual sexist Wonderbra nonsense of course.
Well I think it's brilliant.
sexist and disgraceful, yes, but tits are funny, and were created by god to advance the career of benny hill
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