Ridiculous Ambient Advertising of the Week.

(click images) It's, yes, lingerie placemats, for K-Lynn Lingerie, a chain with locations in Kuwait, Lebanon, and Dubai. They were placed in "selected cafes," where dining Middle Eastern women and cross-dressers experienced how they might look if they were wearing slutty stockings and garter belts. This won an award at this year's Dubai Lynx ad festival. It is creepy Ad Creep (by JWT Cairo, images via). Previous ridiculous ambient ads: hairy. scary. pukey. meaty. dusty. speedy. punchy. pissy. disgusting.
add to that, it is a copy cat and a rip off. check this out http://advertiser-in-arabia.blogspot.com/2009/04/legs.html
Thanks Ayman.
Cairo. Seriously? That would get you put away in jail in Cairo probably.
More scam?
To see the full collection visit our website http://klynnlingerie.com
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