The Condom Flash Mob of Human Spermatozoa.

(click image) Flash mobs are the new utterly lame ad "events" of the oughts. But this cocky one, conducted by Italian humanitarian organization Cesvi, is by far the best I've seen yet. They enlisted 200+ university students in Milan to fill the Magnum XXXXXXXXXXL rubber. The stunt, held last week, was to raise awareness and funds for women with AIDS in Zimbabwe. Pretty fucking cool, though the song blows. I'm sure Grinch-faced Pope Ratzi has the video bookmarked (via). Previous oversized condom promo: the Jontex® prophylactic umbrella it's raining semen.
As a tribute to past fads such as 'flagpole sitting', 'goldfish swallowing', 'streaking', 'panty raids' and most notably the 'phonebooth stuffing' of the 1950s when up to 25 students tried to squeeze in.
It would have been more dramatic if Cesvi had as many 'ragazzi' try to fit in the tip of the Magnum XXXXXXXXXX 'preservativo.'
I would agree with you that flash mobs have probably had there day but that doesn't mean that some of the earlier stunts weren't pretty inspired. I particularly liked the T Mobile flash mob dance in Liverpool station. Check out for a recap of the decades best online content including the T mobile flash mob and vote for your favourite
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