Goldman Sachs's new ad blows sunshine up America's ass.

You got your wind farm and your Mr. just-hired Hardhat and, gee-willikers, maybe these economy-destroying mega-rich pricks do have a heart of gold. Says GS spokesman David Wells:
"We're expanding our communication to a broader audience in an effort to promote a better understanding of who we are and what we do."
Well, David, thanks to a little more transparency than you cocksuckers are accustomed to, we already have a very keen understanding of who you are (criminals) and what you do (ruin lives). You wanna help repair your image? Here's what your ad should have been: a big fucking coupon giving every American $1,000 or so.
Campaign by Y&R NYC, paid for by you, the fucked-over American taxpayer. Maybe they can pool their ad dollars with bp, and run some co-op Green energy ads? The bp-ers are really struggling with their marketing messaging too.
I think I'm in love with you. Thank you for being so fucking blunt.
In Japan there is a proverb, "When the wind blows the cooper prospers".
Many people think it is about cause and effect, in reality it signifies a tendency to attribute unrelated events as cause and effect.
Like GS claiming their business creates jobs.
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